ScienceBank communities
Big data and personalized medicine
Exploring possible challenges and solutions thereof in using Big Data collections for the development of personalized medical approaches.
Community Chief Editor

Ilya IoshikhesFrom
Collect innovative research initiatives that characterize and optimize cognitive, emotional, and social processes, related to neurological functioning.
Community Chief Editor
Nayara MotaFrom
Medicinal plants
Advancing the understanding of medicinal plants, including their therapeutic effects and safety, through pharmacological, botanical, and chemical perspectives.
Community Chief Editor
Gerda FoucheFrom
NOTCH signaling
Committed to advancing the understanding and application of NOTCH signaling in biology, health, and disease.
Community Chief Editor

Joseph Arboleda Vel ásquezFrom

Biomedical engineering
The Biomedical Engineering community opens the doors of academic publishing, creating opportunities for researchers to share findings in biomedical engineering an...
Community Chief Editor

Martha E. LondoñoFrom
Vascular biology
We welcome members from all aspects of the study of the vasculature including, but not limited to anatomy, physiology, cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular b...
Community Chief Editor

Patricia D'AmoreFrom

Clinical ophthalmology
Dedicated to professionalizing reviewers and editors, the Clinical Ophthalmology community values transparency and simplified publishing for greater scientific in...
Community Chief Editor

Lucía González BuendíaFrom
Committed to advancing the understanding of drug action, therapeutic efficacy, and safety by promoting up-to-date and diverse research from all around the world.
Community Chief Editor
Taruna IkrarFrom
Neurodegenerative disorders of aging
Uncovering poorly understood mechanisms of pathology and resilience against Alzheimer's disease and related proteinopathies of aging.
Community Chief Editor
Claudia MarinoFrom
Translational ophthalmology & visual science
We bridge the gap between research and clinical practice by promoting publications that translate scientific discoveries into innovative therapies and diagnostics...
Community Chief Editor
Leo KimFrom
Ocular oncology
The Ocular oncology community is seeking to expand its editorial pool and solidify its mission. Join us in shaping the future of our research community!
Community Chief Editor
Jesse BerryFrom
Our community recognizes local insights in endocrinology clinical practice and research. We invite researchers from all backgrounds to share their experiences and...
Community Chief Editor

Carlos Builes BarreraFrom
Plastic surgery
The Plastic surgery community is seeking to expand its editorial pool and solidify its mission. Join us in shaping the future of our research community!
Community Chief Editor

John MesaFrom
Our publishing platform showcases diverse studies on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of cardiovascular diseases, welcoming the translation of sci...
Community Chief Editor
DanVictor EbirimFrom
The Toxicology community advances scientific knowledge by translating toxicological discoveries into real-world solutions that protect public health, society, and...
Community Chief Editor

Manuel Navarro GonzálezFrom
Liquid biopsy
The Liquid biopsy community is seeking to expand its editorial pool and solidify its mission. Join us in shaping the future of our research community!
Community Chief Editor
Jesse BerryFrom
Development & stem cells
The Development and stem cells community is seeking to expand its editorial pool and solidify its mission. Join us in shaping the future of our research community...
Community Chief Editor
Jan ManentFrom